How to boost your immune system naturally

27 January 2021
If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that life can be uncertain, unpredictable and at times, completely out of our control.

The unexpected events of this year alone can impact significantly on body and mind, so it is crucial that we protect our immune systems to keep us healthy. A healthy immune system is your body’s natural defence, an armour protecting your body from illnesses and diseases.  

To help ensure you stay as healthy as possible, we’ve compiled some natural immunity-bolstering remedies to keep your immune system strong.

What is your immune system?

The immune system consists of a complex network of cells, proteins, organs and antibodies that defend your body against infection. It has a vital role, to protect your body from harmful germs, substances and cell changes that could make you unwell.

How do you keep your immune system healthy?

When it comes to boosting your immunity, there are several lifestyle and dietary changes that can strengthen your body’s natural defences and help you fight harmful disease-causing organisms:


The relationship between sleep and a healthy immune system is unquestionable. Having too little sleep, broken or poor-quality sleep is strongly linked to being more susceptible to sickness. During sleep, your immune system releases cytokines, which increase to help fight infection or inflammation or to give you a boost when you are under stress.
Ensuring you get adequate rest may help strengthen your natural immunity, and there are several ways that good sleep health can be promoted, including:

  • Limiting pre-sleep screen time for an hour before bed
  • Sleeping in a completely dark room
  • Using a sleep mask
  • Establishing a sleep routine by going to bed at the same time each night
  • Exercising regularly

Adults should aim to get seven or more hours of sleep each night.


While regular exercise is proven to improve your overall wellbeing and fitness levels, there is also evidence to suggest that regular moderate exercise could keep your immune system boosted. Regular exercise is thought to reduce inflammation and help your immune cells regenerate.

Some evidence suggests that regular moderate exercise could help to remove bacteria from your lungs, while a rise in body temperature may prevent bacteria from growing inside your body.

There are several recommended moderate exercises you can participate in to help naturally boost your immune system, including:
  • Brisk walking
  • Steady cycling
  • Jogging
  • Going to the gym
  • Swimming
  • Playing golf regularly
It is recommended you visit your GP to discuss any changes to your physical activity levels.

Woman stretching leg

Stay hydrated

While drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated won’t protect you from viruses and infections, it does promote overall good health and shouldn’t be overlooked.
Dehydration can cause several complications which may make you more likely to become unwell. Headaches, loss of focus, an impaired digestive, heart and kidney function can all be caused by dehydration. It can also significantly impact upon mood and wellbeing.
Prevent becoming dehydrated by drinking plenty of fluids each day, so that your urine is pale yellow. Water is strongly recommended because it is free of calories and will meet your body’s needs for fluids.
While the exact amount of fluid you require will depend on several factors, such as your age, diet and the amount of exercise you partake in, most people need around 1.5 to two litres of fluid a day (around eight to ten glasses).


Feeding your body certain foods through a well-balanced diet may help to naturally keep your immune system strong.

While maintaining a consistent balanced diet will support your immune system, there are several foods thought to give it an extra boost:

  • Citrus fruits – these are high in vitamin C, which can help to fight off infections. Vitamin C is thought to increase the production of white blood cells to keep you protected. Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, so it is important to get a daily dose. Try oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons. The recommended daily amount for women is 75 mg and 90 mg for men.
  • Bell peppers – these popular vegetables are not only packed full of flavour but also contain a high volume of vitamin C and beta carotene. Your body converts beta carotene into vitamin A, which is used to repair your body’s mucosal barriers, which can become easily damaged by infection. It also keeps your eyes and skin healthy.
  • Broccoli – this is an immune boosting staple which contains vitamins A, C and E. Broccoli also contains choline which is good for gut health. Try and eat this vegetable raw as it contains more nutrients this way.
  • Turmeric – with a distinctive and attractive colour, this popular spice is used in a host of foods and is a key ingredient in many curries. Not only does this spice taste delicious, but it boasts anti-inflammatory properties and is used as a natural immune booster. Discover more about curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, and its many benefits here.
  • Garlic – raw garlic boasts natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to help protect the body from unwanted illness and recover quicker. Eating raw garlic can increase t-cells in your blood, which fight viruses.  
  • Shellfish – the zinc contained in shellfish, when consumed in the recommended doses, can work wonders for our immune systems. Our bodies need zinc to help our immune cells function successfully, and it is found in oysters, crab, lobster and mussels. The daily recommended amount of zinc is 9.5mg for men (aged 19 to 64 years) and 7mg for women. However, too much zinc will prevent your immune system from functioning properly, so don’t overdo it.
Multiple sliced oranges


It’s important to research and choose supplements wisely. There are several supplements linked to strengthening your body’s immune system, including:
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Elderberry
  • Echinacea
  • Garlic
Always talk to your doctor before adding a new supplement to your regime. 

Stress management

Taking necessary steps to relieve stress and anxiety is a key factor to maintaining immune health.
Long-term stress can have a significant detrimental effect on both your psychological wellbeing and your physical health, including promoting inflammation and leading to imbalances in the way your immune cells function.

There are many activities that can help lower your stress levels, including:
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Regular exercise

Boost your immune health today

Boost your immune health today with Yellow Root Vitamin A from Cortiba Health, fortified with Vitamin A to help support a healthy immune system.

Contact us today

to speak to one of our friendly expert team and discover how our Yellow Root Curcumin could support your immune system.


NHS: Vitamins and minerals: 

